It simply cannot be said enough. Leaving a dog in a car on a hot summer day can be fatal. And it can happen very quickly. Every summer, dogs have to pay with their lives because they are accidentally left in a hot car. Often the owner has only been away for a relatively short time, but the temperature in a car parked in the sun can quickly rise to 80-90 degrees. And then things can go really wrong.
SO REMEMBER NOW - NEVER leave dogs, or any other living creature for that matter, in the car in the summer.
How to help a dog with heatstroke:
1: Get the dog out of the car and check for breathing
2: Give the dog a bowl of water and wet the fur
3: Cool the dog with a wet towel
4: If your dog is apathetic, take him to the nearest vet.
5: Have your vet decide whether the dog needs to be hospitalized with a drip