1. Activate your dog and yourself
Dogs can also freeze, especially for small breeds, the cold can be severe. In the worst case, it can lead to frostbite. It is therefore important to keep your dog's blood circulation going by activating it as much as possible when out in the cold.
2. Clothes for the dog according to the weather.
A blanket or piece of clothing can keep your dog nice and warm in the winter. Just as we humans dress warmly in the winter, you can also dress your dog according to the weather.
3. Pay attention to the dog's paws.
Salted sidewalks can be a painful experience for your dog. It's a good idea to coat their paws with a protective wax or paw balm to prevent snow and salt from sticking to their paws.
4. Use a flashlight or reflector.
Dogs can be difficult to see in the dark morning and evening hours
5. the health benefits.
Sometimes it can seem overwhelming to venture out into the cold. But just remember that it's also good for you as a dog owner to get exercise when the cold shows its face.