1. The dog must be relaxed
It is a good idea to have the dog sit still when removing the tick. Sudden or unexpected movements can make it difficult to grab the tick and, in the worst case, cause the tick to break, leaving the jaws in the dog. If the dog cannot stay still, have a helper hold the dog.
2. Grab underneath the tick's body.
Do not grab the back of the tick, but instead grab it under the body close to the dog. Use your fingernails to grab it under the back. This will make it more likely that the tick will not break when you remove it from the dog. There are a lot of different tools on the market for removing ticks.
3. Remove the tick in one smooth motion.
When you grab the tick, it should be a firm but smooth sliding motion. Sudden jerks or movements can cause the tick to break.
4. Don't follow the old household advice.
There are many old household tips that do not provide reliable removal of ticks. For example, smearing the tick in butter or burning it with a cigarette butt.
5. Keep a close eye on the area.
Once you have removed the tick from your dog, you should monitor the area for any changes over time and ensure that the tick is completely gone. Ticks can transmit diseases, so it is important to keep a close eye on your dog for signs of fever or decreased activity.